

The intent of this website is to leverage techniques of interactive data visualization, spatial analysis, and urban planning to better understand the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020.

The website is intended to be a living document with updates taking place progressively and systematically.


The Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020 (CMP 2020) document prepared by Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited, Directorate of Urban Land Transport, Urban Development Dept., GoK, and Infrastructure Development Corporation (Karnataka) Limited, is described as “…a coordinated effort to improve mobility in Bengaluru…”. Further, the comprehensive mobility plan is “the first step in that direction to provide the overall framework for integrating various transport sub-systems and addressing the needs of various segments of the population”.

The document defines “efficient and sustainable transportation for all” as its vision with it’s mission being to “build a multi-modal transport system for equitable mobility access and minimized negative externalities”. Three goals are also defined:

Goal 1: Increase mode share of public transport in meeting transport demand

Goal 2: Regain road infrastructure as a public good

Goal 3: Reduce transport sector contribution to air pollution and GHG emissions

To help achieve these goals, the document envisions a number of projects across three phases, over a span of 15 years. Understanding the interconnected-ness, interdependencies, and mutual impacts between and of projects becomes a complex affair. This website aims to smoothen this process of comprehension by translating the contents of the Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Bengaluru 2020 document into an interactive tool enabling a more holistic understanding of the proposals.


This website looks to achieve the following objectives:

  1. Comprehensively geo-reference and map all proposals from the CMP 2020.

  2. Progressively analyze proposals from the CMP 2020 using techniques from spatial analysis and urban planning to better understand their intents and potential impacts.

  3. Communicate this analysis to a wide range of audiences leveraging techniques of interactive data visualization.

Caveats and Disclaimers

It is important to make clear the following points:

  1. The intent of this website is to help further an understanding of the CMP 2020 and the proposals contained within it. Any errors in the accuracy of the information is unintentional.

  2. All content on this website is being prepared based on an understanding of the CMP 2020. No claims are being made of its accuracy nor is it being claimed that these are reflective of the positions of the relevant planning departments.

  3. Geo-referenced locations are approximate and indicative. These will vary from what may be planned by relevant departments at a later date.

  4. Proposals shown in these maps will vary from what is being planned by the relevant departments.

  5. The website is intended as a living document. Updates, in all forms, including but not limited to geo-referencing, analysis, and commentary will take place frequently and progressively. Completed/ final/ finished are stages that will rarely be reached.


Get in touch with me on twitter at _anirudhgovind


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.