class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Visualizing OSM Data using R ## OSM India Virtual Mappy Hours ### Anirudh Govind ### 2020-12-05 --- class: inverse name: slide1 ## Structure **Focus on the process** of making a map using OSM data in R. -- .pull-left[ - Thematic Mapping: A brief introduction - Conceptual ideas for working with R - Making a map in R using OSM Data - Open for discussion ] --- class: inverse name: slide2 ## Who I am (and not) .pull-left[ - **Not a Developer** - Not about the code/ coding better - **Not a cartographer** - Not about making maps/ making maps better - **Architect & Planner** - Maps to understand specific aspects of cities/ urban areas (Bangalore) - Thematic maps - OpenStreetMap Data ] -- .pull-right[ ![](images/map_challenge_themes_2020.jpg) Initiated by Topi Tjukanov [@tjukanov]( in 2019. ] --- class: inverse name: slide3 ## Who I am (and not) .pull-left[ - **Not a Developer** - Not about the code/ coding better - **Not a cartographer** - Not about maps in general/ making maps better - **Architect & Planner** - Maps to understand specific aspects of cities/ urban areas (Bangalore) - Thematic maps - OpenStreetMap Data ] .pull-right[ ![](images/map_challenge_themes_2020_osm.jpg) Initiated by Topi Tjukanov [@tjukanov]( in 2019. ] --- class: inverse, center, middle name: slide4 ## Thematic Mapping --- class: inverse name: slide5 ## Thematic Mapping .pull-left[ **Thematic maps** show geographical patterns for a particular subject. - Primary focus is to **communicate information about that subject**. Everything else is secondary. - Not meant to be used for geographical location (navigation). - Language, population, temperature, etc. ] --- class: inverse name: slide6 ## Examples .pull-left[ ![](images/Day1.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](images/Day2.png) ] --- class: inverse name: slide7 ## Examples .pull-left[ ![](images/Day5.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](images/Day9.png) ] --- class: inverse, center, middle name: slide8 ## Conceptual Ideas for working with R --- class: inverse name: slide9 ## How do we make a map? .pull-left[ **Steps in making a map** 1. Obtain data 2. Ensure this data is relevant & properly structured 3. Put the map together with appropriate representation ] --- class: inverse name: slide10 ## 1. Obtain Data -- .pull-left[ OSM uses [`tags`]( to describe features in maps. [`Tags`]( have two parts: a [`key`]( and a corresponding [`value`]( - `highway=residential` - `natural=water` Various methods are available for downloading data. - OSM website - Data extracts - APIs (overpass) ] -- .pull-right[ In R, we can get OpenStreetMap data using the {[`osmdata`](} package! ] .footnote[Packages are collections of functions and the necessary code to run them.] --- class: inverse name: slide11 ## 1. Obtain Data {[`osmdata`](} package! -- .pull-left[ ```r # Build a query query <- getbb("LOCATION") %>% opq() %>% add_osm_feature("KEY", "VALUE") # Query the OSM database (overpass) data <- osmdata_sf(query) # Extract geometry dataExtract <- data$osm_points OR dataExtract <- data$osm_lines OR dataExtract <- data$osm_polygons ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r # Get traffic lights or signals location data from OSM. # Build a query query <- getbb("Bangalore") %>% opq() %>% add_osm_feature("highway", "traffic_signals") # Query the OSM database (overpass) trafficSignalsData <- osmdata_sf(query) # Extract geometry trafficSignals <- trafficSignalsData$osm_points ``` ] --- class: inverse name: slide12 ## 2. Tidy Data Data is often messy! -- .pull-left[ R relies on the [`tidy data framework`]( 1. Every variable has its own column 2. Every observation has its own row 3. Every value has its own cell The {[`tidyr`](} and {[`dplyr`](} packages provide a set of tools for wrangling data into this format. ] .pull-right[ ![](images/tidyData.png) Hadley Wickham and Garrett Grolemund. 2017. [R for Data Science]( Import, Tidy, Transform, Visualize, and Model Data (1st. ed.). O'Reilly Media, Inc. ] -- .footnote[ The {[`tidyr`](} and {[`dplyr`](} packages are part of the [`Tidyverse`](; a set of packages sharing the same design philosophies, grammar and data structures. ] --- class: inverse name: slide13 ## 2. Tidy Data ``` ## Rows: 633 ## Columns: 21 ## $ osm_id <chr> "17327106", "26529522", "26529553", "6095... ## $ name <chr> "Aurobindo Circle", NA, NA, "Prof Ashirva... ## $ alt_name <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, "Vellara Junction", NA, N... ## $ barrier <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ bicycle <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ camera.mount <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ camera.type <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ crossing <chr> NA, NA, "traffic_signals", NA, NA, "traff... ## $ designation <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ highway <chr> "traffic_signals", "traffic_signals", "tr... ## $ junction <chr> NA, NA, NA, "yes", "yes", NA, NA, NA, NA,... ## $ man_made <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ <chr> "ಅರವಿಂದ ವೃತà³\215ತ", ... ## $ note <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ source <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ surveillance <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ surveillance.type <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ traffic_signals <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ traffic_signals.direction <chr> NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, N... ## $ geometry <POINT [°]> POINT (77.58583 12.91716), POINT (7... ``` --- class: inverse name: slide14 ## 2. Tidy Data The {[`osmdata`](} package gives us tidy data! ![](images/tidyTraffic.png) --- class: inverse name: slide15 ## 2. Tidy Data We can further clean up the data by keeping only the columns we need; `osm_id` and the `geometry` .pull-left[ ```r # Select specific columns trafficSignals %>% select(osm_id, geometry) ``` ] .pull-right[ ![](images/tidierTraffic.png) ] --- class: inverse name: slide16 ## How do we make a map? .pull-left[ **Steps in making a map** 1. Obtain data 2. Ensure this data is relevant & properly structured 3. Put the map together with appropriate representation ] -- .pull-right[ **How we go about doing it** 1. OpenStreetMap - {[`osmdata`](} 2. Tidy it - {[`tidyr`](} & {[`dplyr`](} - which are part of the {[`Tidyverse`](} 3. ? ] -- ## Questions? --- class: inverse name: slide17 ## 3. Present Data A layered approach with the [`Grammar of Graphics`](! .pull-left[ Hadley Wickham (2010) [`A Layered Grammar of Graphics`](, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 19:1, 3-28, DOI: 10.1198/jcgs.2009.07098 ] -- .pull-right[ We build maps or visualizations step-by-step rather than a trial and error approach. 1. Geometry or Shape; points, lines or polygons or a combination of them 2. Data; 3. Aesthetics; colour, size, transparency, etc 4. Composition; titles, sub-titles, footnotes, graphic scales, etc ] --- class: inverse name: slide18 ## 3. Present Data A layered approach with the Grammar of Graphics! .pull-left[ ```r # Plot Bangalore ward map using borders tm_shape(bangaloreWards) + tm_borders() ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide19 ## 3. Present Data A layered approach with the Grammar of Graphics! .pull-left[ ```r # Fill with different colours tm_shape(bangaloreWards) + tm_borders() + tm_fill(col = "#E5E5E5") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-9-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide20 ## 3. Present Data A layered approach with the Grammar of Graphics! .pull-left[ ```r # Add traffic signals tm_shape(bangaloreWards) + tm_borders() + tm_fill(col = "#E5E5E5") + tm_shape(trafficSignals) + tm_dots(size = 0.1, col = "#FFB703") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-11-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide21 ## 3. Present Data A layered approach with the Grammar of Graphics! .pull-left[ ```r # Add titles tm_shape(bangaloreWards) + tm_borders() + tm_fill(col = "#E5E5E5") + tm_shape(trafficSignals) + tm_dots(size = 0.1, col = "#FFB703") + tm_layout(main.title = "Bangalore's Traffic Lights", frame = F) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide22 ## How do we make a map? .pull-left[ **Steps in making a map** 1. Obtain data 2. Ensure this data is relevant & properly structured 3. Put the map together with appropriate representation ] .pull-right[ **How we go about doing it** 1. OpenStreetMap - {[`osmdata`](} 2. Tidy it - {[`tidyr`](} & {[`dplyr`](} - which are part of the {[`Tidyverse`](} 3. [`Grammar of Graphics`]( - using the {[`tmap`](} package ] -- ## Questions? -- .pull-left[ [See another example!](#slide23) ] .pull-right[ [Summarize!](#slide32) ] --- class: inverse, middle, center name: slide23 ## Let's make a map! --- class: inverse name: slide24 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ Let's recreate this map showing Bangalore's Parks! ] .pull-right[ ![](images/Day7.png) ] --- class: inverse name: slide25 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Load Bangalore ward data and transform it bangaloreWardBoundary <- read_sf(here::here("data/bangaloreWardBoundary.shp")) bangaloreWardBoundary <- bangaloreWardBoundary %>% st_transform(3857) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r # Get parks data from OSM # Build a query query <- getbb("Bangalore") %>% opq() %>% add_osm_feature("leisure", "park") # Query the OSM database (overpass) parksData <- osmdata_sf(query) # Extract geometry parks <- parksData$osm_polygons ``` ] --- class: inverse name: slide26 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Tidy the parks data and keep only necessary columns parks <- parks %>% select(osm_id, geometry) # Transform parks <- parks %>% st_transform(3857) # Keep only those parks which are within the boundary bangaloreParks <- st_intersection(parks, bangaloreWardBoundary) ``` ] -- .pull-right[ ```r # Calculate areas of parks bangaloreParks <- bangaloreParks %>% mutate(area = st_area(.)) %>% mutate(area = as.numeric(area)) %>% mutate(area = round(area, 2)) ``` ] --- class: inverse name: slide27 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Plot Bangalore ward map using borders tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) + tm_borders() ``` ] -- .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-20-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide28 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Plot Bangalore's Parks tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) + tm_borders() + tm_shape(bangaloreParks) + tm_fill() ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-22-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide29 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Add colours and lineweights tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) + tm_borders(col = "#a7c957", lwd = 3) + tm_shape(bangaloreParks) + tm_fill(col = "#a7c957") ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-24-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide30 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Add background colour and margins tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) + tm_borders(col = "#a7c957", lwd = 3) + tm_shape(bangaloreParks) + tm_fill(col = "#a7c957") + tm_layout(bg.color = "#56666b", frame = F, attr.outside = T, outer.margins = 0, asp = 0, scale = 0.8) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-26-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide31 ## Bangalore's Parks .pull-left[ ```r # Add titles and sub-titles tm_shape(bangaloreWardBoundary) + tm_borders(col = "#a7c957", lwd = 3) + tm_shape(bangaloreParks) + tm_fill(col = "#a7c957") + tm_layout(bg.color = "#56666b", frame = F, attr.outside = T, outer.margins = 0, asp = 0, scale = 0.8, main.title = "Bangalore's Parks", main.title.color = "#a7c957", main.title.size = 1.75, main.title.fontfamily = "Arial Narrow", title = "Total area of parks in Bangalore = ~9.35km²", title.color = "#a7c957", title.size = 0.6, title.position = c("right", "bottom")) ``` ] .pull-right[ <img src="2020-OSMMappyHour_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-28-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" /> ] --- class: inverse name: slide32 ## Examples .pull-left[ ![](images/Day6.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](images/Day8-2.png) ] --- class: inverse name: slide33 ## Examples .pull-left[ ![](images/Day4.png) ] -- .pull-right[ ![](images/Day3-1.png) ] --- class: inverse name: slide34 ## Summary .pull-left[ What we've seen today: - A brief introduction to thematic mapping - Core concepts for working with R - Getting data from OSM with the {[`osmdata`](} package - Tidy data with the {[`tidyr`]( and [`dplyr`](} packages which are part of the {[`tidyverse`](} - Making maps based on the [`Grammar of Graphics`]( using the {[`tmap`](} package - Put this into practice with an example - Examples of maps made with OSM data ] --- class: inverse, middle, center name: slide35 # Thanks! Code used to create all the maps can be found on [github](! Find me on twitter at [_anirudhgovind]( <br><br><br><br><br> Slides created using the R package {[`xaringan`](}]